Yes! You can choose from among several dental procedures.


1. Dental Bonding is a procedure in which Dr. Dargham would apply a tooth-colored resin to the tooth surface, which hardens with a special light that bonds the material to the tooth. Bonding can fill gaps between teeth, repair small chips, and smooth out rough edges.

2. Dental Crowns are tooth-shaped “caps” placed over teeth. Cemented or bonded into place, crowns encase the entire visible portion of a tooth. Crowns are made of porcelain alone, or fused to very strong cores. They restore the tooth’s natural shape, contour, and appearance.

3. Veneers are wafer-thin, custom-made shells of tooth-colored materials, either porcelain or resin, that are bonded to the front surface of teeth.

4. Recontouring or reshaping adjusts small amounts of tooth enamel to change a tooth’s length, shape, or surface. These options differ in terms of financial investment, durability, and “chair time”. Talk to Dr. Dargham to learn what’s right for you!

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