Your First Visit

Request An Appointment

    Your first visit with us is a very important one. We will take the time to listen to your concerns, ask and answer any initial questions, and provide you with a comprehensive examination.

  • This exam will consist of careful evaluation of the extra oral structures (located outside the mouth) such as the muscles of the head and neck, TMJ (temporal mandibular joint), and any visible or palpable lumps or bumps, as well as all intraoral tissues (located inside the mouth) such as the teeth, gums, existing dental fillings and restorations, and bite.
  • An oral cancer screening and sleep apnea/snoring evaluation will be completed as well. Also at this time we will, together, evaluate and discuss your cosmetic concerns and desires.

  • A comprehensive periodontal examination will be completed. This detailed evaluation of the gums and bony structures that support your teeth will provide us with base line data that allows us to provide you with a diagnosis and treatment plan designed to attain, and maintain, optimal periodontal health for as long as possible.

  • This will include recommendations for either a basic hygiene regimen involving a professional dental cleaning (provided by our professional hygienists) every six months for those patients diagnosed with simple gingivitis, or a more advanced protocol involving deeper and more involved periodontal care for those patients diagnosed with any extent of periodontitis.
  • Adjunct medications, mouth rinses, and periodontal consultations with a specialist will be indicated as necessary.

  • The clinical examination is only one part of a comprehensive oral evaluation. Dental radiographs (x-rays) are also necessary to assess the health of the oral structures not seen by the naked eye. These include the roots, nerve canals, bone, sinuses, and impacted wisdom teeth. Radiographs are also very important diagnostic tools in the evaluation of dental caries, dental abscesses, periodontal health, and the screening for oral cancer.

    Your assistance in providing the following information at the time of your first visit would be greatly appreciated.

  • Radiographs (X-rays) if available (those taken within the last year will serve us best).
  • Current medication list
  • Current dental insurance information and cards
  • Contact information for other healthcare providers and dental specialists involved in your care.
  • An accurate and complete understanding of your medical history allows us to plan for safe and optimal dental care.

  • Please alert us of any concerning medical issues or allergies before any dental surgical procedures. These may include, but are not limited to, diabetes, high blood pressure, artificial heart valves and joints, rheumatic fever, and heart murmurs.

    If you have a recent set of radiographs (X-rays) in your possession or at another dental office, please make arrangements to have them sent or brought to your first visit.

    *All minors under the age of 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.