Welcome back to Part II of Dental Implants...An option in Smile Reconstruction!

So, now that we know what dental implants are....lets now learn about their benefits!

What are the benefits of Dental Implants, you ask?

There are on to discover a few:

1. Implants integrate, or fuse, to the jaw bone, resulting in stability to the naturally-appearing crowns that are mounted above.  More specifically, the dentures, bridges, or single unit crowns 

    will not slip, fall, or shift in your mouth.  This allows for excellent speaking and eating.

2. Implants help the securely fitting dentures, bridges, or crowns feel more natural than conventional restorations.

3. Stable implant- supported dentures feel more comfortable than conventional removable dentures.

4. Dental Implants have, until the present time, enjoyed an over 98% success rate.

5. When replacing a missing individual tooth with a dental implant, flossing remains as natural and simple as if the natural tooth still existed...unlike having to use a floss threader had the area

     been restored with a conventional bridge.

These benefits are excellent reasons to consider dental implants whenever possible...please consider asking me how to create this experience for YOU!

Part III of this series will discuss who can actually enjoy the benefits of dental implants.....stay tuned and remember....KEEP SMILING!


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