Raising Awareness, Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Could it be caused by Acid Erosion?


Frequent consumption of Acids throughout the day in everyday substances such as fruit, orange juice, wine and soft drinks can cause tooth erosion.

Acid Erosion occurs when acids from foods and drinks soften the surface of the tooth allowing the enamel to be slowly worn away. More often than not, this is from the consumption of acid-rich food and drinks.  Acid softens the tooth's protective surface, also known as enamel, leaving it more susceptible to continued wear from abrasion and attrition.

Lets try to summarize the concept of Acid Erosion.

+ Acid erosion is, by definition, the loss of enamel and dentin by chemical means not involving bacteria

+ Acid erosion is known to cause irreversible damage to teeth.  If left untreated restorative dental treatment may be required

+ The prevalence of acid-rich foods and drinks in our diet...and their increased contact time within the mouth ( from frequent snacking and habits such as swishing acidic drinks, increase the risk of acid erosion.

Here's some food for thought on how to determine whether or not you may be at risk for Acid Erosion.  Ask yourselves the following questions:

* Do I regularly consume more than 4 acidic foods/drinks per day?

* Do I often come into contact with acidic medication?

* Does my medical history contain any eating disorders or gastric reflux?

* Do my teeth sting or feel sensitive when taking in cold or sweets foods/drinks? How about with air...are my teeth sensitive to air stimulation?

I would be happy to further evaluate your teeth should you feel you are at risk for Acid Erosion...or if you simply aren't sure. 

Remember to contact me should you desire to create that Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!! 

Health...then Beauty!  We take pride in making that happen....






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