Do you squirm at the thought of having an ice cold drink or eating icecream?

Teeth sensitivity may be caused or stimulated by different factors.  Some of these include:

+Gum Disease

+Frequent consumption of acidic foods and drinks

+Excessive/aggressive tooth brushing 

+The overzealous use of abrasive whitening toothpastes

+Abusive use of home whitening agents

When you become suspect of a lingering teeth sensitivity issue ask yourself the following questions:

*Do I flinch at the thought of having an ice cold drink or eating ice cream?  

*Do I wait for my soup or coffee to cool down before drinking it?

*Do I avoid using cold or hot water to brush my teeth as they are uncomfortable?

Cold, Hot, and Touch are common trigger for sensitive teeth.  Should these triggers become regular stimuli for you discomfort it may be time to consider a consultation with your dentist and the implementation of an easy-to-use strategy on how to reduce or eliminate this debilitating sensitivity.

In my office, I implement management principles that allow for a more comfortable use of your beautiful smile.  Here's how:

+I explain the condiition and the overall treatment approach to you...successful management of the condition should involve your active participation.

+I correct the predisposing factors...dietary and/or tooth brushing habits.

+We create an immediate treatment for the pain...First, we consider the use of home care involving desensitizing toothpastes such as Sensodyne/Pronamel.  This is economically feasible and easy to use.  This non-invasive method will motivate you to start somewhere! When needed, in-office treatments may be recommended where there is significant tooth wear, dental treatment is being considered, or if the dentin hypersensitity is localized to a single tooth surface.

+I advise regular evaluations after the start of treatment so as to monitor and ensure progress toward a more comfortable and healthy dentition.

As always, you are welcome to contact my via email, directly at our office, or via any of our social media sites to inquire and comment on your concerns.  

Remember, I am excited to do what is necessary to help you achieve the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!!



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