Why are crooked teeth a problem?

Well, unaligned teeth in your mouth create what we dentists call "malocclusion", or bad bite.  Left untreated, malocclusion can lead to periodontal disease and create abnormal amounts of stress on teeth and jaws...all of which leads to premature, or early, wear.

Malocclusion comes in different forms and appearances.  Below I'll list some potential issues categorized as malocclusion.  You may recognize one or a few of these as your own.

+ Crowding ( when your teeth are overlapped and not straight )

+Spacing ( when you see spaces between your teeth )

+Deep Bite ( when your upper teeth lay too deeply in a vertical direction over your lower teeth )

+Crossbite ( when your lower teeth sit over your upper teeth)

+Excessive Overjet (horizontal overlap of the upper teeth against the lower teeth, aka "buck teeth")

+Edge-To-Edge Bite ( when your upper and lower teeth hit edge to edge against each other on the front )

+Open Bite ( when you see a space between the upper and lower front teeth while your back teeth are closed completely against each other )

Left untreated malocclusion can worsen over time and and even result in tooth loss as it affects the periodontal health of your teeth.  Periodontal disease may also increase the risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ( hardening of the arteries ).

Stay tuned for a more detailed description of each of the above mentioned forms of malocclusion and how we can help correct these using the invisable form of orthodontic therapy...INVISALIGN!  As a certified provider of INVISALIGN, I have treated several patients presenting with one or many of the above issues.  Today, these same patients have the "Smile They'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!!  Ask us if that can also happen for you!


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