The Good News: It can be found early in its development!  Lets learn about some of oral cancer's signs and symptoms, completing this series of blog entries on Oral Cancer.  In our practice, the thorough examinations our patients receive on a regular basis have enabled us to detect early signs of oral cancer.  We have saved lives by assertively beginning the exploratory and treatment process needed to eradicate this disease progression in these lucky patients.  

In the early stages of this disease process it is often painless...and the physical signs not obvious.  Making this a very dangerous disease, regular screenings by an experienced medical or dental professional, combined with your knowledge of the pertinent signs and symptoms, allows for its discovery in the earliest possible stages.  It is only at this point that cure and survival are most likely.  Pre-cancerous lesions are as easily detected by experienced professionals and should be taken seriously when a decision is made to monitor them for any changes in texture, color, or size.

Lets examine what some of the early and more advanced oral cancer indicators may be.


+ Red and or White discolorations of the tissues of the mouth

+Any type of sore that does not heal within two weeks, or 14 days

+Hoarseness that persists for a prolonged period of time


+Challenge in moving the jaw or tongue

+Difficulty swallowing

+One sided ear pain

+A persistent tissue sore under a denture

+Numbness in or around the mouth

+Sensation of having something stuck in the throat

+A lump or bump that develops and persists in or around the mouth or neck

The entire smile oral care team is concerned with seeing that any suspicious areas are caught and addressed immediately. As discussed in the first and second blog entries within this series, I stressed the importance of:

*Being Aware

*Avoiding Risk Factors

*Getting an annual screening

Your life depends on it! 

Please remember to schedule your annual examinations on a regular basis, perform self-examinations at home, and avoid those behaviors you now know may increase your risk of oral cancer.

We are available to answer any of your questions or comments; we invite you to schedule a consultation with us to make sure we help you attain, and maintain, that "smile you'd be proud to wear...ANYWHERE!




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