Are you one of those people who feel they show too much gum when you smile? Do you feel the appearance of your teeth is overpowered by the excess display of gum when you smile?  Or, do you feel your teeth appear too short as compared to the amount of gum tissue present? If so, you may have what we call a "gummy smile".  More technically, you may possess what we describe as excessive gingival display.

Today, various treatment options are available to address your "gummy smile", including the use of Botox.   Excessive gingival ( gum ) display may have a less than positive impact on the appearance of your smile.  In many patients of mine it causes a lack of confidence in what should be a beautiful first impression.  In today's blog entry, I would like to discuss some of the causes of "gummy smiles", the associated factors, and possible treatment options available today.  As you may now realize, Botox applications are used in several medical, cosmetic, and dental conditions to alleviate symptoms, enhance your esthetic appearance, and even therapeutically as supplemental therapy in the restoration of full oral function and appearance when designing your smile. Lets begin!

What causes a gummy smile?  Well, there are many possibilities.  

  • Although actually of normal length, less than ideal eruption patterns in the maxilla ( upper jaw ) may cause your teeth to appear short.  What is actually happening is that there is an excess display of gum tissue due to these abnormal patterns of eruption.
  • Muscle hyperactivity of the upper lip may cause the lip to rise very high upon movement, smiling, and function.  This results in an excessive display of gum tissue when you smile.
  • An overgrowth of the upper jaw, as well as a variant in the manner in which it developed, may cause protrusion of this bony area.  Given that the gum tissue lays over this upper jaw bone, it will also appear out of place and overshadow the teeth in that area of your smile.

Although not all, the causes listed above are the most common associated with gummy smiles.  The gingival display ( gum exposure ) is extremely important in the appearance of your smile. Clearly, there are other factors that play an important role in how your smile looks.  To name a few, I am referring to the shape and size of your teeth, your facial muscles, and the shape and size of your lips.  

A pleasing smile should display minimal gum tissue, at most 2-3mm.  An even gum line across the necks of the teeth also enhances the appearance of the smile. When the gummy smile is attributed to an abnormal eruption pattern or to how the jaw developed you may also suffer from bite issues and other conditions that may affect your longterm overall health.  

What can your dentist do about a gummy smile? The ultimate treatment plan depends on the underlying cause of the problem.  Specific treatment options should be considered only after a comprehensive oral evaluation is completed by your dentist.  Thorough examination of the teeth, bone, and gums is necessary prior to determining the correct treatment for you.  I would recommend you visit your dentist to confirm the presence of a gummy smile and to discuss the current treatment modalities specifically beneficial for you. Radiographs, a clinical examination, and/or impressions of your teeth and gums may be necessary to assist in this evaluation process.  The presence of a severe gummy smile may require collaboration with a specialist like a periodontist, oral surgeon, or orthodontist.  Depending on the cause of your gummy smile and its severity, gummy smile treatment may include one or the following treatment modalities:

  • Orthodontic therapy (braces ) to reposition malpositioned teeth
  • Gingival tissue and bone sculpting to create a pleasing smile line
  • Lip repositioning using either surgical techniques or other less invasive therapies, like BOTOX
  • Oral surgery to reposition the jaw bone
  • BOTOX applications to help relax the muscles involved in raising the lip high above the level of the upper teeth

Upon completion of any of these treatments you will be able to see more of your teeth while smiling and less of the gummy tissue you were initially concerned about.  The result is typically associated with increased comfort and confidence when smiling, eating and speaking.  This also improves your periodontal health.

In our practice we utilize BOTOX Cosmetic, in conjunction with injectable fillers such as JUVEDERM to treat the static wrinkles BOTOX alone can  not alleviate in more severe cases. A natural purified protein, FDA-approved BOTOX Cosmetic is the most common medical cosmetic treatment applied today.  More than four million treatments are performed per year.

We utilize BOTOX for gummy smiles to help relax hyperactive muscles of the upper lip.  Utilizing a non-surgical approach by injecting small amounts of BOTOX, we can give you a naturally appearing smile that fits within the confines of your face.  We utilize the art of smile design to understand your muscles and facial harmony.  A thorough evaluation and treatment plan designed specifically for you will allow us to provide you with a refreshed, younger version of what you should feel is a "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!".

BOTOX treatments are quick and virtually painless.  BOTOX is applied precisely and into specific muscles to block nerve impulses from activating these muscles. This results in the skin above these muscles appearing smoother and more relaxed.  Using a meticulous and conservative approach we determine the amount of BOTOX necessary to achieve the ideal outcome.

Careful and gentle application is a must in our practice, utilizing topical anesthetics as needed.  

In our practice, we only use authentic products delivered to us directly from the respective manufacturers. We respect manufacturer's specifications when preparing the BOTOX for you and ensure that you receive the recommended dosage at the proper dilution, as directed by each product's manufacturer.

Let us know how we can help YOU achieve a more natural and comfortable smile with BOTOX cosmetic.  You're welcome to visit my practice for a complimentary consultation on how this may happen for YOU!





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