Are your cold sores under control?  

How many times a year do YOU feel that a cold sore has taken control of you?  Like several of my patients, you may be a victim of cold sores that have proven to be painful and simply embarrassing.  The unwanted outbreaks always seem to come at the most inopportune moments and always feel like they can last indefinitely.  What's worse is that pain relief never seems to arrive fast enough, leaving you to endure that intolerable discomfort for days on end. What do YOU know about cold sores?  Lets use this time to shed some light on these debilitating visitors, learning more about what they are as well as about what can be done to significantly reduce their stay.

Cold Sores Are:

  • One of the most extremely contagious viruses in the human body
  • Viruses that have affected the majority of the American population at some point in their life
  • Almost half of those affected by the virus endure recurring episodes or cold sore outbreaks
  • Mostly caused by stress or sun burn
  • One of the leading causes of non-impact blindness in the United States
  • Known to be associated with keratitis when the afflicted person touches their eye after having touched their cold sore
  • Dangerous around newborn babies with immature immune systems
  • If left untreated, the average duration of each sore is 11 days.  With treatment, duration is reduced.

In my office I have had much success treating my patients' cold sores with a single application cold sore treatment known as VIROXYN PROFESSIONAL USE.  Available exclusively through healthcare professionals like myself, it has been clinically proven to stop pain and speed healing...with just one dose.  A recent study in the Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry has shown VIROXYN PROFESSIONAL USE to reduce the time of healing to an average of 3 days ( from the 11 days if left untreated ) while also reducing the pain associated with the cold sore to one hour.

Whether as an in-office treatment or for home use, VIROXYN PROFESSIONAL USE is one I would recommend and could be available through your dentist.  It is an over-the-counter drug sold exclusively through your dental office.  VIROXYN PROFESSIONAL USE contains the following ingredients:

  • 7.5% Benzocaine to ease discomfort and enhance proper healing
  • Benzalkonium Chloride inactivates the cold sore virus on contact
  • Isopropyl Alcohol carries the Benzalkonium Chloride deep into the tissue where the virus resides

The medication is prepared with a special delivery system designed to assist its penetration without the person ever having to touch the cold sore.  

Allow us to help you take control of your cold sores today!

Remember, we're available to assist you in achieving the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!"



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