Smiling is not something we typically think much about doing; it just happens!

My father used to tell me to "smile for the world to smile with me...and cry for the world to laugh at me".  What he tried to relay, in his own way, is to always make it a point to smile so as to attract happiness, joy, and warmth in others because the more we frown and pout the less attractive we may seem to those around us.  Like in so many things, my father was right!

Smiling is a very natural response that shares our happiness with others.  Think about what happens when you see the person you have a crush on, or receive terrific news about your performance at work, or when you win that unexpected raffle gift.  The common denominator here is your smile, your smirk, or your shining beam!  A smile represents a natural reaction to joy, love, happiness, and general well being.

Not only does smiling reflect happiness, it also triggers brain activity.  The brain's left frontal cortex is the area of your brain that registers happiness and joy.  Science proves that this exact area is stimulated when smiling occurs.  Your face houses about 44 muscles which allow for about 5,000 facial expressions, many of which are types of smiles.  Given that the act of smiling is associated with happiness and physical brain activity, shouldn't this encourage you to smile more?  Think about it, it's good for your health...in both mind and body!

Smiling adds points to your overall health "score".  Lets see how:

  • The act of smiling automatically makes you happy..even when you’re sad.  It stimulates elevated levels of “feel-good” hormones called “endorphins”.  
  • When you smile the world around you also smiles.  When you pout, everyone around you also frowns.  Research shows the muscles in your face often times mimic the facial expressions of those you are in contact with. 
  • According to the Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, 96% of Americans believe that an attractive smile makes a person more appealing to members of the opposite sex.  People look their best, and happiest, when smiling. 
  • Smiling may assist you in reducing the levels of stress and anxiety.  In doing so, your breathing and elevated heart rate will also follow suit.  When stressed, try breaking out a smile.  The body will automatically think you’re starting to feel better and, so, you will.
  • When smiling, your blood pressure lowers, your digestion improves, and your blood sugar becomes more regulated.
  • Smiling can lead to laughter.  Studies have shown that laughter also reduces blood pressure, regulates blood sugar, and helps boost your immune system.
  • A smile will make you feel good!

Now that you understand how important to your mind and body a smile can be, you must do it more often!  And, if you feel your world is not worthy of a smile, rent a good movie, listen to your favorite song, go for a walk, or just go to a near by comedy show!  Take a look at your smile in the mirror!  Do you like what you see?  I hope you do; this makes for a good incentive to feel good about "committing the act"!  

Remember, your smile is part of who you are and what you represent.  Be proud of yours!  If, for some reason you are not, make sure you contact a skilled and trustworthy cosmetic dentist to assist you in attaining a beautiful and healthy smile you would be proud to call your own.  At times, it may just require some whitening, simple bonding, or even straightening.  Cosmetic veneers may also serve you well!

Remember, I am available to assist you in attaining, and maintaining, a "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE"! You are welcome to visit me at www.ritadarghamdmd.com to learn more about how my team and I can help YOU!

Keep Smiling!



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