Your smile is hands down one of the most important features of your face and certainly is representative of how healthy you are.  Why not stock up your bar with smile healthy ingredients that will make your next cocktail one to remember and smile about? 

My last entry described the benefits of enjoying smile healthy ingredients in your favorite cocktails. Not only should you know what these natural add-ins are but I would love to share with you WHY they play such important roles in the foods and drinks we enjoy so regularly.  So, when it's YOUR turn to host the party, stock the bar with these beneficial treats:

  • Lemongrass:  Citral, its primary chemical, has antimicrobrial and antifungal properties.
  • Green Tea:    The flavonoids it contains reduces the risk for heart disease and cancer. They also help fight dental cavities.
  • Strawberries: These can safely whiten teeth because of their high Malic Acid content.
  • Kiwi:            This is packed with Vitamin C, an ingredient that whitens teeth naturally.
  • Pineapple:     It contains vitamins that promote healing. Its Vitamin K and C content creates alkalinity in the mouth, a good ingredient for healing.
  • Bananas:       When fresh, these contain magnesium…essential for bone healing.
  • Celery:          It promotes salivary production.  This is essential in cleansing food particles from the teeth as it dilutes acids and sugars in the mouth.
  • Carrot Juice:  Vitamin A is very important in enamel formation.  Carrots are rich in Vitamin A.
  • Lemon Juice:  Although acidic, lemons’ alkalinity helps balance the body’s pH.
  • Lime Juice:  Limes and Lemons contain limonin, a disease fighting compound.
  • Coconut Water:  Healthier than a sports drink, it adds flavor without the calories.
  • Ginger:  Its antiinflammatory properties support healthy mouth tissue.
  • Wasabi:  It has compounds which stop bacteria from growing….called Isothiocyanates
  • Cilantro:   It promotes good cholesterol while decreasing the bad cholesterol when consumed regularly.
  • Mint:  Its leaves, when chewed, fight the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, teeth, and tongue.
  • Basil:  A natural antibiotic, it reduces oral bacteria
  • Kale:  Containing more iron than beef, per calorie, it promotes overall health.

As you see, not only will these delicious ingredients and super-foods make for a unique and exquisite cocktail, they work in your benefit to promote smile and overall health! When consumed safely, and in moderation, these delectable treats can assist you in creating, and maintaining, the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!". Stay tuned for recipes on how to enjoy these healthy items in YOUR next cocktail! Here's to YOU!

Please visit my website at to learn more about your smile and how to keep it healthy!


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