Among all the tooth replacement options dentistry offers today, the dental implant is considered the standard of care and, where indicated, the best solution for replacing a missing tooth. 

The success rate of a dental implant is over 95%.  It is a spectacular restoration and allows for the restoration of natural function, health, and beauty of a smile.  The main advantages associated with a dental implant used a single tooth replacement can be described in a few, but very significant, statements.  Read below to learn more:

  • A Dental Implant replaces a natural tooth without relying on adjacent teeth for support.
  • A Dental Implant can be treated as  single tooth.
  • A Dental Implant can be cleansed and flossed as a single tooth.
  • A Dental Implant does not decay or get cavities.
  • A Dental Implant functions and looks like a natural tooth.
  • A Dental Implant, should it fail, will not affect the health of an adjacent tooth.
  • A Dental Implant preserves the surrounding bone and prevents its loss.
  • A Dental Implant enables the patient to elect against a traditional fixed bridge or removable prosthesis.

Now that we have described the advantages of this wonderful restoration, lets converse about the parts that make it up.  Generally speaking,  a dental implant is composed of three separate and important parts.  Continue reading to learn more.  The three components of a dental implant are:

  • A Dental Implant Fixture: this is a threaded post surgically placed into a pre-planned edentulous site to replace the preexisting root of the missing tooth.  It is allowed to integrate ( heal ) within the surrounding bone over three months.  
  • The Dental Implant Abutment:  This is a titanium or zirconia component screwed into the integrated implant below.  It serves as a base over which the final crown will be placed. This part is attached to the implant fixture following the integration phase.
  • The Final Crown: this is the final porcelain crown which is screwed into or cemented over the underlying abutment.  It is custom made to mimic the contour, shape, size, form, and shade of the natural tooth it is now replacing.

Dental Implant innovations have revolutionized dentistry.  Today's dental implant technology enables the optimal restoration of oral health.  Could it be an option for you?

Together, we can restore the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!" 


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