Who can have implants?

We would like to think that all who want implants can eventually have them.  However, the reality is somewhat different.  Here's how...

Potential implant candidates must, first of all, be in good overall health. Implant therapy may involve more than one surgery and so requires stable health so as to sustain, and allow for, normal and uneventful healing of the implant site and of the body itself.

Secondly, implant patients must exhibit healthy gums and adequate bone to support the incoming implants.  Additionally, it is absolutely imperative that there is exist a commitment to maintaining these hard and soft tissues healthy.  Meticulous home care and regular dental visits are necessary to the long-term success of dental implants.

Thirdly, certain systemic diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes, osteoporosis,  chronic sinus problems, or a compromised immune system may interfere with proper healing and may prevent the bone from adequately attaching to the receiving bone.

And lastly, long term medication use and certain behaviors, such as smoking, may also affect the longevity of the dental implants.

Do not assume, from having read this article, that you are or are not a candidate for dental implants.  The proper approach to determining this is to schedule an implant consultation for proper and thorough evaluation.  You're welcome to contact me should you like more information on how to get started!!

And remember...Keep Smiling!







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