The new age of digital technology has now hit your dental office!  We are now discovering the benefits of exceptional image accuracy with the use of digital impressions using scanners in the mouth!  The age of conventional goop-filled trays is slowly coming to an end as we embrace state of the art technology and enjoy exceptional image accuracy.

 When was the last time you took a conventional dental impression?  Do you remember the goop-filled trays used to capture the image of the tooth to be restored?  Although these conventional impressions are still in great use today, digital technology has been slowly creeping into your dentist's office, offering a new and improved option to the traditional process of taking dental impressions.  Digital technology has now allowed precision scanning to be introduced into our daily practices, allowing for more accurate restorations to be fabricated without the use of annoying and gag-reflex inducing trays.  

I am excited to provide my patients with a better experience while preparing their teeth for the next phase of oral health!! In our office, we utilize the iTero digital scanner. Below, I have outlined several of the  digital flow benefits I find make your experience as a patient more enjoyable:

  • Delivers exceptional image accuracy
  • More accurate restorations such as crowns, bridges, implant crowns, and all that is fabricated using a dental impression
  • Eliminates the discomfort of conventional impressions and re-impressions
  • Shortens crown delivery appointments significantly, virtually eliminating the need for return appointments
  • Provides you an opportunity to view, in real-time, what and how we are creating for you.  This enables you to better understand and visualize the investment you have chosen to make in  your oral health.
  • Can be used for INVISALIGN orthodontic scanning instead of the use of conventional full-mouth impressions, allowing for faster treatment plans and execution
  • Can be used for Implant restorations of all kinds
  • No more mess and gagging associated with traditional impressions

I am very excited to have introduced this into my digital work flow in care of your oral health.  Please feel free to contact me should you like to  learn more about how this amazing technology works and how I may apply it to YOUR oral health care.  Until further notice, the iTero digital scanner is available for you at my Biscayne office location.  Please visit my website contact information at for details.

Remember, we are always available to assist you in creating, and maintaining, the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE"!

Have a terrific day...and remember to keep SMILING!


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