Most often, our most accomplished moments are those not involving ourselves.  

The appreciation of my life's endeavors are often associated with those moments I have spent in benefit of others.  Giving back to our community, and to those in need of my experience, knowledge, support, and assistance, is one of the most rewarding experiences I have been blessed to have.  Looking outside of myself has allowed me to learn and discover more of my community's needs, wants, and desires.  I am fortunate to have been raised in a stable home where education and the love for others were two of our family's integral components.  Now that I have the ability and opportunity to help instill that in others less fortunate, I am very proud to announce that I will be contributing my time, efforts, and experience as a family cosmetic, restorative, and implant dentist to educate and mentor young women.  Teaching them about dental care and the power of their smile will empower them to take charge of their own oral health.  I am very proud to be doing this as a dental advisor and mentor for Honey Shine, a non profit organization whose mission is to mentor and empower young women between the ages of 8 years and 18 years.

I share this with you so as to highlight the importance of giving back.  We all have different skill sets and talents that others would benefit from.  Investing time in the betterment of those less fortunate has, in essence, made me a better person.  I learn from the communities I have helped.  Not only do I discover a world filled with love, varying cultures, and valuable desires, but I have been blessed with the experiences only had when one gives of themselves.

This week I shared my time, dental knowledge, and experience with the wonderful girls participating in the Honey Shine summer camp program located in Coconut Grove, Florida.  Together, we laughed, learned, and had fun! We discussed the basics of oral health and even enjoyed a question and answer session that culminated in an illustration contest involving drawings the girls did of what they learned a tooth is supposed to look like.  I was so proud of them!

Before leaving the classroom, they approached me.  After receiving hugs, kisses, and much appreciation for all they learned that morning, I knew I could not have spent my day doing anything more valuable.

I encourage all, no matter what your talents, to go out into your communities and give back!  Leaving positive and lasting impressions on those children or adults that entrust you with their vulnerabilities will forever mark your heart and mind.  There is nothing more rewarding than to know you made a positive difference in someone else's life.

And don't forget that power of your smile!  Make sure yours is "One Your Would Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!"




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