Many of you have asked me about how a dental implant supported denture would look like.  Here's the answer....or at least one of them!

Implant supported dentures take on several forms and appearances, all depending on the design selected.  What is also important in the selection process is the final number of implants available to create your beautiful smile.  Lets keep this particular discussion to an implant supported "denture".  Think of a traditional full denture, or plate. Now, imagine its underlying surface fitted with one of several types of attachment mechanisms designed to snap or lock into the dental implants integrated into your jaw.

Traditional non-implant supported dentures should, in my opinion, be unavailable as an option in today's dental armamentarium.  Not only are they unstable, but they do not allow for a quality of life deserved by all who need them.  Their lack of optimal retention over the upper or lower jaw bone and gums prevents the individual wearing them from enjoying a proper meal comfortably or from speaking clearly and with confidence.  The human dignity associated with proper speech, digestion, and oral comfort is one to be sought after and cherished.  

Implant supported dentistry is not inexpensive but certainly attainable when a strong enough desire and need is present.  Everyone should be entitled to treatment options affording them with ideal speech, eating and digestion patterns, and comfort.  Implant dentistry provides this.  

Dentures supported by dental implants are available in various designs, from the most simple to highly intricate options.  The number of implants available, your financial budget, and personal desires play a role in what is chosen as the final appliance.  Dentures may be retained using "locators", milled titanium bars, or a combination of both.  To be more clear, "locators" are simply button style attachments placed over the integrated implants.  The underlying components of the denture snap over these, providing a secure and stable appliance that will not move while speaking or eating. Milled titanium bars are custom made to screw into the  integrated implants.  Again, the underlying surface of the denture is designed to also fit over and lock into place over this bar. This option may provide even greater retention over flat bony ridges using more precise technology.  Finally, we also have the option to use a combination of both.

The end result is a beautiful denture made to all aspects, including esthetics, fit, comfort, and stability.  What is wonderful about these appliances is that the underlying frameworks and attachment features are invisible to the patient and all who are engaging with this person.  A beautiful and comfortable smile is what the patient enjoys.

Remember, we are here to assist you in attaining that "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE"!

Feel free to contact me at to learn more about your options for an implant supported smile!


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