It is time to commit today to what tomorrow will bring...."a smile you'd be proud to wear, ANYWHERE!"
Your smile represents YOU! A straight and attractive smile speaks for itself; it is HEALTH! Studies have shown that those sporting attractive and warm smiles tend to be more successful, confident, and happy than those unsatisfied with the look and feel of their teeth.
As an oral health practitioner, I take great pride in creating this presence for my patients. It gives me great pleasure to watch one's self image shoot high in response to what a new and straight smile can provide. When achieved, these smiles bring with them a sense of joy, self confidence, and motivation.
I am proud to be able to facilitate this possibility for you via our biannual INVISALIGN EVENT. Starting July 27th, we will welcome you, your family, and friends to enjoy a COMPLIMENTARY INVISALIGN CONSULTATION designed to educate you on how this process can help you embark on your WIRELESS SMILE REVOLUTION!
In a few short months, most of you will benefit from having committed to the use of INVISALIGN's clear, custom made aligners designed to safely and efficiently move your teeth in small increments. When complete, your new smile will surely prove to be "one you'd be proud to wear...ANYWHERE!" Upon treatment acceptance, you lucky ones will also benefit from our fee reduction and post-treatment complimentary home whitening service!! Why wait??
Call (305) 858-0505 to schedule your complimentary consultation! Commit today to what tomorrow will bring you....A smile you would be proud to call your own!