Straight teeth are healthier teeth!  

Aligned teeth make for a healthier smile.  They give you a more youthful appearance and assure a more confident self image.  Today's society invests billions of dollars in improving the body's look, feel, and longevity.  Why not consider this same effort toward your smile.  After all, it is one of the first aspects of your person that others notice and experience. Not only does your smile invoke warmth and sincerity, it attracts others to you.  The smile stimulates the natural excretion of "feel-good" hormones... whether you are giving or receiving the gesture. Knowing this to be true, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure your smile is in optimal condition and appearance. Clearly, it serves as a great first impression when beautiful, healthy, and attractive.  

INVISALIGN is one very important tool available to you when choosing to enhance the look, feel, and predictability of a healthy smile.  When straight, teeth exhibit:

  • Easier access for home and professional care
  • More balanced forces, thereby reducing stresses and trauma responsible for bone loss, fractures, and tooth loss
  • A more attractive, youthful, and beautiful smile
  • A confidence attractive to all
  • Better Periodontal Health

INVISALIGN is a simple and non-intrusive orthodontic method available to both teenagers and adults.  With great success, INVISALIGN is able to slowly and safely move teeth using clear, custom-made aligners made to sequentially straighten your smile.  I am thrilled with the results we have achieved over the past 15 years using INVISALIGN to correct mild to moderate misalignment and bite issues.  So much so, that our BIANNUAL INVISALIGN DAY PROMOTION is once again upon us!  I would like all teens and adults looking to recreate their smile's image to consider INVISALIGN as one more piece of the armamentarium available to accomplish this task.  

All are invited to join us on Thursday, July 23rd for our INVISALIGN DAY'S promotional event.  I would like to extend a complimentary consultation to you, your family, and friends.  Should you INVISALIGN be the treatment for you, a complimentary home whitening service will be included at the end of treatment.  Financing options are available to all who qualify.

What do you have to lose?  Come in!! Visit us and learn more about how INVISALIGN can help your smile become one you'd be proud to call your own!

We are here to assist you in achieving the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!" Visit us at ritadarghamdmd.com to learn how and where to reserve your space!



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