SmokingMiami, FL
Smoking is the practice by which tobacco smoke is burned, and later inhaled or tasted. The most common route of administration for smoking today is what we all know as the cigarette.
Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use today….and has also been proven to be one of the leading causes of several systemic and life-threatening diseases. Some of the most common medical conditions associated with tobacco use include:
How does smoking affect your oral health?
Quitting, or by simply reducing the amount you smoke now, can greatly reduce serious risks to your oral health, regardless of your smoking history. Chronic tobacco use may lead to dental problems. Here’s how:
Should cigarettes be substituted with smokeless tobacco?
No. Smokeless tobacco may pose the same or elevated risk of the following:
As one of the leading causes of preventable death globally, smoking is a life-threatening activity requiring immediate attention from you and all those surrounding you. Aside from the obvious benefit for you and your family, The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute has compiled a simple, yet very significant, list of why one should consider quitting.
What are the top 10 reasons to quit smoking?
*quoted from The National, Lung, and Blood Institute
How can you kick the smoking habit?
According to the U.S. Public Health Service, studies show that the Five Keys listed below can help you quit, and stay smoke-free! Using all five is recommended for the best results:
To stop using tobacco, please ask Dr. Rita how we can help ease your nicotine desires. Available are medications ( either over the counter or by prescription ), resources for smoking cessation classes and support groups, and herbal remedies such as hypnosis and acupuncture. After all, we all need all the support available to help kick our bad habits.