Periodontal Disease

Also known as “gum disease”, periodontal disease is a silent, persistently painless bacterial infection around the gums and the bone that support your teeth, ultimately resulting in the loss of bone and teeth if left as is. Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is not just about fresh breath or a shining smile; it affects more than just your mouth. 

It is important to your overall health! Affecting close to 80 percent of U.S. adults, gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss if left untreated. And, not only does periodontal disease erode the foundation of your mouth, it could pose a threat to your body. Uncontrolled diabetes, heart disease, oral cancer, stroke, pregnancy complications, severe osteopenia, respiratory infections, and dementia/Alzheimers are arealys of our general health affected by uncontrolled periodontal disease. Smile proudly! Invest in yourself today by embarking on a journey culminating in a “Smile You Would Be Proud To Wear…ANYWHERE!”

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