Porcelain Crowns and Veneers
Dental porcelain can be used in the customization of crowns, veneers, and inlays and onlays to closely replicate the natural appearance of tooth enamel while restoring ideal form, stability, and resilience to your smile.
As indirect ( laboratory made ) restorations, these are designed in a preselected shade to match your natural or desired smile image as our team works diligently to deliver harmony in esthetics and function, creating a “Smile You Would Be Proud To Wear…ANYWHERE!”.
Porcelain crowns are the ideal choice when deciding to recreate the shape and function of a badly damaged tooth. These replace the external portion of a tooth in its entirety, mimicking nature in form and esthetic appearance while simultaneously building a healthy and stable bite one , or multiple, crowns at a time.
Porcelain veneers are chosen to restore the natural and beautiful esthetics a smile deserves. Thoughtful smile design utilizes porcelain veneers to redefine harmonious form, length, color, and position in scenarios displaying short, chipped, fractured, discolored, or malpositioned teeth.
Porcelain Inlays and Onlays are restorations used to repair an otherwise healthy tooth with a large filling made of silver amalgam or tooth colored resins. Expected to replace old fillings while strengthening the structure of a tooth and customizing an esthetically pleasing appearance, these porcelain restorations placed within the wall confines of a natural tooth deliver durability and longevity to our smile.