Do you know that tooth ENAMEL is the hardest substance in our body...harder than bone?

I thought you may be interested in some fun facts associated with our's to Smile Trivia!!

+ Visiting the dentist at least twice a year is imperative for dental health.

+ We buy 18 yards of dental floss a year. We should buy 122 yards.

+ A Middle Age custom was to kiss a donkey for toothaches.

+ People prefer blue toothbrushes over red.

+ Tooth decay is the second most common disease after the cold.

+ Tooth enamel is the hardest part of the human body.

+ One quarter of the adults in the US have lost all their teeth.

+ Teeth start to form before we are born.

+ They're called wisdom teeth because they come in when you're older and wiser.

+ We produce 100,000 gallons of saliva in a lifetime which helps prevent tooth decay by moving food away from teeth.

Wow, so much to learn!

Remember, keep smiling...and call me if you would like help in achieving the Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!!




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