Those that snore often receive a blow in the ribs from someone else as a reminder to "JUST STOP"!  Not only does snoring disrupt the sleep of those around us but it also interferes with our own sleep and overall well being.  In the recent years, Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome has become widely recognized as health issue with life-threatening complications.



Oftentimes, snoring can be a warning sign of abnormal breathing during sleep.  The most common condition that can lead to snoring is a disorder called "sleep apnea".  Millions of Americans are affected by this state and as a consequence are not able to maintain normal breathing during sleep.  Furthermore, as a result, they fail to receive the proper amount of oxygen their body requires to restore itself from an adequate, deep sleep. Although for the majority of adults snoring does not represent a serious medical disorder, it may be the first sign of Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( OSA ).

Snoring is a breathing noise produced when the soft palate and throat vibrate as air rushes past them during sleep.  The sound is heard when the airway collapses and the surrounding muscles fail to maintain their normal function.

Some risk factors that can lead to snoring include:

* airway obstruction




*alcohol before sleep

*a constricted and retruded jaw

*thick neck

Sleep apnea is considered present with a person stops breathing for at least 10 seconds up to thirty times or more a night.  When snoring is indicative of sleep apnea it can be a significant strain on the heart.  Left untreated, sleep apnea increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

What are some symptoms of sleep apnea?

* dry mouth and throat

*morning headaches

*excessive daytime sleepiness

*decrease in sexual interest

*spontaneous awakenings characterized by short-of breath episodes

A person suspected to be suffering from sleep apnea should be referred by their experienced dentist to have what's called a polysomnogram.  This is a sleep study conducted in a specialized sleep study center that monitors sleep and breathing patterns as well as cardiac and airflow rhythms during sleep.  Once diagnosed, sleep apnea could be treated in various forms, depending on the severity of the condition. These may include:

1.Oral Appliance ( Snoring Appliance ):  This is a conservative modality that is used during sleep to move the lower jaw forward, thus opening the airway during sleep. This allows for the air flow to pass more easily as the surrounding tongue and muscles are placed in a better position.  This treatment is inexpensive, reversible, non-invasive, and is welcomed with adequate patient compliance.

We, at our office, are members of a team of sleep apnea health professionals.  When in our office, you will experience a complete dental examination to determine where the blockage is and what is causing the obstruction.  The examination includes:

*comprehensive oral evaluation of hard and soft tissues

*periodontal examintion

*evaluation of a gag reflex

*TMJ and occlusal ( bite ) exam

*digital radiographs and diagnostic models of your teeth

*Tonsil/Adenoid Evaluation

*Orthodontic Evaluation and Treatment as necessary to help made additional room for the tongue and widen the arch

When the oral evaluation reveals the presence of soft tissue obstructions, the oral appliance can be made to treat snoring or obstructive sleep apnea.  It helps to increase breathing potential by creating extra space, thereby preventing the airway from collapsing during sleep.  Appliances are usually light and easy to wear, making patients more comfortable in only a few weeks.

2. CPAP ( Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ) involves an air compressor and mask that delivers pressurized air through the nose while the person sleeps

3. Surgery is performed only in the most severe obstruction cases.

Your Health Is Your Most Priceless Possession....It's Worth The Investment!

I welcome you to visit our office for an oral health evaluation....Remember, we are available to assist you in creating that "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE"!






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