IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR TOOTH WEAR! Therapeutic approaches are available to prevent and treat this common oral health condition...
Let us discuss how I, or your dentist, can become your ORAL HEALTH COACH! In so doing, I will enable you to take charge of your own care. Let us turn you into a PERSON-CENTRIC therapist in charge of your own oral health. This allows me to shift your care to a health-oriented model focused on engaging you in the context of your physical and social environments to make self-determined choices. Here, you will take responsibility for your own health.
I have the unique opportunity to serve as an ORAL HEALTH COACH for patients suffering from dental tooth erosion ( loss of tooth structure caused by acids ). As a guide, I can educate you about dental erosion and discuss prevention strategies from which you can choose. A thorough assessment would need to be conducted before this discussion can be had, or course.
As consumption of acidic beverages continues to increase, erosion and tooth wear are increasingly common threats to oral health. Some factors to consider are listed below:
- Soft drinks and similar beverages are very acidic in nature
- The frequency of consumption plays an important role. The more you drink throughout the day the more at risk your teeth become.
- Choosing artificially sweetened beverages increases your chances of tooth erosion.
- Suffering from uncontrolled acid reflux heightens your risk of tooth erosion.
Additionally, tooth erosion is also dependent on your susceptibility to such wear. Low enamel quality, thin enamel surface, salivary factors, gingival recession, and the overall acidity of your mouth all contribute to your risk of experiencing tooth wear due to erosion.
Erosion reduces structural integrity, nerve vitality, and the appearance of your teeth. In fact, it is a major contributor to tooth wear. As your ORAL HEALTH COACH, I would provide preventive guidance for those of you at risk. Therapeutic strategies would be designed based on a thorough dietary analysis, taking medical and dental histories to determine internal and external acidic sources, and identifying your susceptibility. Once determined, I may use resources and support to help educate you about risk factors and preventive approaches involving both professional and home care modalities.
It excites me to involve YOU in your care. Taking responsibility for your oral health is a privilege you are afforded as a result of education and self-awareness. Take control today!
Remember, I am here to assist you in attaining, and maintaining, a "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!"