Botox and dermal fillers have significantly impacted the aesthetics industry.  As two of the fastest growing cosmetic procedures, the application of these has become an indispensable part of a dentist's armamentarium as a specialist in facial aesthetics.

Although dermatologists and plastic surgeons were among the first to train and integrate these therapies into their practices, these same procedures are, at this point in time, delivered to patients by other health care providers.  Dentists, specially trained in the muscular, nervous, and aesthetic realms of the head, face, and neck are especially qualified to incorporate Botox and dermal fillers as an adjunct to their smile design treatment plans, enhancing the ultimate look, feel, and function of a meticulously designed smile.

As a dentist, I live in the facial, peri-oral ( around the mouth), and oral ( mouth ) areas every day.  My training in the naturally harmonious proportions of our face, as related to our teeth, allows Botox and dermal fillers to help me achieve optimally beautiful results when building an aesthetically functional smile for you, my patients.

Not only are we trained in the intricate anatomy of the face, head, and neck, but we are expert injectors!  We give anesthetic injections for a living and have learned to do so in a gentle and comfortable manner.

Once formally and properly trained in the use of Botox and dermal fillers, dentists use their knowledge of physiology, skeletal structures, muscle, nervous, and vascular systems, and finally overall aesthetics to comfortably inject these substances safely and relatively pain-free...all the while using dental anesthetic techniques as needed.

To name a few, Botox has been administered within the realm of dentistry, safely and in accordance with the FDA, to:

  • Treat the ill-effects and pain associated with TMD ( temporal mandibular disorder ) and Bruxism ( grinding )
  • Treat chronic migraine headaches, alleviating the pain and discomfort for up to 3 months
  • Correct gummy smiles, reducing the amount of gum tissue visible when one smiles
  • Help reduce depression and anxiety
  • Improve the fit and function of dental appliances
  • Remove smoker’s lip lines
  • Recontour lip form so as to more naturally coincide with proportional smile design and appearance

I am excited about what I have achieved in my practice using Botox and dermal fillers and look forward to continue its application to help fulfill my endless quest to offer dentistry designed to provide you, my patients, with the benefits of comfortable, beautiful, and painlessly functional smiles.  Furthermore, our training's ability to also allow us to reduce the discomfort or chronic migraine headaches associated with tension or parafunctional habits is amazing!!

Please visit my SMILE TALK blog over the next few weeks to learn more about how Botox can help us achieve the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!"

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