Everything seems to be moving at lightening speed these days.  Immediate gratification is what we all want when it comes to looking and feeling good. And Smile Enhancement procedures are not left behind. 

Its important to have a clear insight as to the various therapeutic options available today for the creation of an attractive and healthy smile.  Many of my patients present to my office wanting a glorious Hollywood smile....TODAY!  I often hear my patients telling me that they will do whatever it takes, pay whatever it costs, and all that for a beautiful smile....IMMEDIATELY!

Furthermore, my youngest and most beautiful patients are requesting this be done with porcelain veneers and or crowns...oftentimes on virgin teeth!  What I would like to discuss today are the determining factors to be considered when choosing the healthiest and most conservative treatment modality for YOU.  Everyone's circumstances are different and what may be the best choice for "Miss Smith" may not be the most wise for "Miss Jones."  I'll use a sample scenario to demonstrate my point.  

Scenario 1

Miss Smith, 25 years old, presents to my office requesting a Hollywood smile.  She tells me her patience is little and would like to initiate treatment immediately.  Furthermore, cost is not an issue.  Clinical and radiographic assessments reveal minor to moderate crowding of her teeth, generalized early cavities on her back molars, and little to no gum disease. The shade ( color ) of her teeth is acceptable and free of permanent staining.  Minor enamel chips are noted along the upper and lower front teeth.  Miss Smith would be happy with a smile that looks straight, white, and even.  A missing back tooth is also a concern to her.  She is requesting all this be fixed with the use of porcelain veneers and crowns.  Aside from small fillings on her back teeth, her front teeth would not otherwise require any restorative treatment.  

In her case, Miss Smith has more than one treatment option.  We can achieve what she wants using a very conservative modality or choose a more aggressive approach that will give her a fantastic and immediate result:

Conservative Treatment Option:

  • Completion of a professional cleaning program, reducing the inflammation and bleeding now present
  • Completion of minor tooth colored fillings on her back teeth to address early cavities
  • Removal of unhealthy wisdom teeth
  • Orthodontic treatment ( Invisalign ) to correct the crowding now present
  • Whitening of the teeth
  • Bonding the upper and lower front edges of the teeth, restoring minor chips and enamel wear
  • Minor gum lift to even out the gum margins to produce an level smile line
  • Night Guard to protect the bondings and retain the straight teeth positions
  • Maintenance

More Aggressive Treatment Option:

  • Completion of professional cleaning program
  • Completion of tooth colored fillings on her back teeth to restore early cavities
  • Extraction of unhealthy wisdom teeth
  • Minor Gum Lift
  • Porcelain Veneers or Crowns placed on upper and lower front teeth ( 6-10 on each side ) to straighten or even out her smile.  This would require preparation or slenderizing of virgin teeth that would otherwise not require any kind of filling.
  • Night Guard
  • Maintenance

Both options will give the patient a beautiful and healthy smile.  In this case, I would prefer she choose the conservative route because it saves valuable tooth structure while still creating what she presented to the office to get.  Miss Smith will always have the option to restore the smile with porcelain veneers and crowns in the future should she one day decide that the conservative option was not enough.  

Scenario 2

Miss Jones presents to the office with the same request as that of Miss Smith.  The difference in her case is that she presents with permanently stained teeth that are straight but very unsightly.  They are fractured, have large bondings that constantly break, and present as an uneven smile.  In her case, orthodontic therapy would not resolve her concerns.  Her teeth are already straight and in the correct position.  For this scenario, the best option for creating the Hollywood smile is with porcelain veneers and crowns.  

As you see, the same treatment modalities could be considered but should be weighed carefully when choosing the best option for YOU.

My suggestion is to always choose the most conservative treatment plan that will afford you what you need and want.  Likewise, make wise choices when determining which of the treatment modalities will be the most likely to succeed for the longest period of time for YOU. 

To further discuss how to make the right choices when planning a smile makeover, please feel free to contact me.  I am available to assist you in creating that "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!



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