I know...dental visits are costly!  However, how would you feel about the actual expense when you are forced to visit your dentist for an emergency requiring complicated and more expensive treatment as opposed to that associated with regular maintenance appointments that assist you in the support of a healthy and beautiful smile always?

Those patients that complain about the typical expense associated with regular examinations, radiographs, and professional hygiene appointments tend to be the same ones who do not commit to regular visits and are later, as a result, forced to visit the dentist when emergencies arise.  Unfortunately for them, it is then when they realize just how costly dentistry can be.  Treating a dental emergency associated with throbbing pain, for example, is usually associated with the most expensive treatment options.  These same ones would not have been necessary had the patient committed to therapy for the same issue but while in the early stages of disease.

Most people today are very concerned about rising health costs.  And most often, these same people choose to "save" by electing to miss their routine dental visits.  By doing so, they not only neglect the health of their mouths but also that of their bodies.  I have often discussed the relationship of oral health with that of systemic well being, or lack there of.  It is commonly known that poor periodontal health ( gum health ) is associated with elevated risks of cardiovascular disease. A 2007 study discussed by the Journal of Periodontology states that those patients suffering from bone loss and gum disease have a 21% increase in health costs compared to those not diagnosed with periodontal disease.  Simply said, the longer you procrastinate the care of your mouth the higher risk you have to pay more for it at a more advanced stage in the future.

Your periodontal health is the foundation of optimal oral health. Without it, your teeth do not stand a chance...no matter how beautiful, or straight, or white they are.  Adequate bone and gum levels support your teeth.  Cosmetic dentistry in the form of porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, tooth colored fillings, or even whitening, will not last without the bone and gum necessary to hold the teeth in place.  My point is that when one  spends thousands of dollars only to make sure their smile "looks" pretty is not investing in the long term health of their mouth unless the underlying support structures are healthy.  My recommendation is to spend your dollars wisely.  Invest in the health of the mouth prior to spending money on what you think may look good.  It will save you money in the future.  

Another example of wise spending is to make sure you take care of those simple, tooth colored fillings that were placed on a decayed tooth.  These fillings are relatively inexpensive and certainly look beautiful when they are completed.  However, not flossing, brushing, or paying attention to what you eat may decrease the longevity of these and result in a recurring infection or destruction of the restoration.  This may then require more expensive and invasive therapy to fix.

Yes, dentistry can be expensive. Understanding how to minimize your risk for more complicated therapy requiring a more costly investment may just alleviate one of the stresses related to regular dental care.  

Remember, care for your smile now.  It says a lot about you. 

We are available to assist you in attaining that "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!" Visit us at www.ritadarghamdmd.com to learn how!


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