Have you ever considered your SMILE as a SUPERPOWER?!  Well, it's time you start to do so.  

I have oftentimes wondered about the effect of a human SMILE...on one's self and on those surrounding by, and engaged with, it.  Having read about and experienced its power in my own life, I have come to realize that our SMILE has superpowers!  Even science fiction does not affect us the way our SMILE can.  True science proves that. 

I have chosen to share some interesting SMILE facts with you. Research projects and studies have allowed us to learn more about how this innate expression can change our world. Lets see...

  • Smiling is one of the most basic, biologically-universal expressions of all humans.  3D ultrasound technology has proven that we are born smiling.  Babies smile while in the womb and continue to do so when they are born and while they sleep. 
  • According to Paul Ekman, a renowned researcher of facial expressions, a group of Fore tribe members, from Papau New Guinea, smile the same way you and I would.  They are disconnected from Western culture and are involved in unusual cannibalism rituals but smile to express joy and satisfaction.
  • More than a third of us smile more than 20 times a day.  Children, who inspire the most happiness in us, smile as many as 400 times a day.
  • According to a study at Uppsala University in Sweden, it is very difficult to frown when looking at someone who is smiling.  Smiling is contagious.  From an evolutionary perspective, it suppresses the control we usually have on our facial muscles.  
  • According to Charles Darwin, in “The Origin of Species”, his theory states that the act of smiling itself actually makes us feel better…as opposed to feeling good merely as a result of smiling.
  • British research found that one smile can generate the same level of brain stimulation as up to 2,000 bars of chocolate.  Unbelievable! Even a world renowned pleasure inducer cannot match the power of a SMILE!
  • Health markers are significantly improved with a SMILE.  Unlike chocolate, it can make you healthier! A SMILE can help reduce overall blood pressure and stress-related hormones such as dopamine, cortisol, and adrenaline.  A SMILE, however, will help increase mood-enhancing hormones like endorphins.  
  • A SMILE will allow us to look better in other people’s eyes.  A Penn State Study shows that the person who smiles appears more likable, courteous, and even more competent.

Long story short, please SMILE!  Not only will it make you healthier, it will make you look better, be more competent, and even turn you into a real SUPERPOWER!  Your SMILE is one of your greatest assets.  Take advantage of its powers and all it can do for you.  Make sure you're proud of yours; is it what you consider healthy and beautiful?  If not, ask yourself why.  Perhaps I can help you answer that question and assist you in achieving the "Smile You'd Be Proud To Wear...ANYWHERE!"

Feel free to contact me at should you like to converse about YOUR smile!


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